Dental Surgery
Two Instances When Dental Surgery Is A Must
Dental Surgery encompasses a wide range of invasive procedures intended to artificially modify the teeth and jawbones of patients for either health or cosmetic reasons – or both in many instances. Keep in mind that oral surgery has its fair share of risks, complications and costs, thus, its possibility must be carefully discussed with the appropriate dentist-cum-specialist.
Keep in mind, too, that not all dentists have the right skills, technology and known-how in performing all types of oral surgery. For example, an endodontist specializes in root canal therapy while a prosthodontists specializes in teeth implants. But the question remains: Are you a candidate for dental surgery? You are if and when you fall into one of these two general categories.
Dental Surgery For Impacted Teeth
The most common cause for oral surgery is impacted teeth, which can either be for the removal of wisdom teeth or for other types of teeth particularly cuspids and bicuspids. In both cases, non-removal can cause several health issues including but not limited to:
• Swelling
• Pain
• Infection of the gum tissues around the impacted tooth
• Permanent damage to the surrounding teeth, gums and bone jaw
• Formation of cysts or tumors that lead to diseased jaws
It must be said that the dental surgery involved in the extraction of impacted teeth can have post-surgery complications. The good news is that these complications can be avoided with the right choice in dentist.
Dental Surgery For Tooth Loss
And then there is oral surgery for individuals who have lost their teeth. Said teeth loss can be due to accidents, infections and unhealthy oral hygiene habits but no matter the cause, the best options for teeth replacement are dental implants.
These teeth implants are made from titanium as the tooth root substitute and porcelain as the enamel substitute. These are surgically anchored to the jawbone in a similar manner as real teeth while the enamel part closely mimics the real teeth around the implants. Dentures stand little chance against dental implants when it comes to the benefits of dental implants.
Talk to your dentist about the risks and benefits of dental surgery. You must carefully evaluate your options especially when it comes to paying for the procedure.